Eliminate Blasting/Sanding/ Hazardous chemicals from metal surface preparation before Liquid painting with Picklex® 20 in One Step…
For any Ferrous and Non-ferrous metal
— US EPA Tested/Verified, National Award & Edison Award winner
Performs complete Surface preparation & Pre-treatment in One Step as follows:
- removes light mill oil, cutting fluid, surface rust …
- provides a nano-thicknessconversion coating. Completely converts mill scale on Hot rolled steel, weld/laser scale to a Paintable Conversion coating
- Seals the coating and stops further oxidation.
- Complete Green Process
- No Blasting or sanding for new metals including Hot rolled steel with mill scale
- No Rinsing
- No Hazardous Waste
- No EPA or OSHA regulation
- Provides a rust/contamination free surface with Zero oxidation
- Exceeded 1000 hours of Salt Spray Test (ASTM B117) on Hot rolled steel without removing the mill scale. Cold rolled steel, Aluminum will have much higher Quality results
- Very high temperature Paint can be used (up to around 2000⁰F)
- The Cost comes out to be few Cents per sq. ft., due to very large Coverage (around 1600 sq. ft. per gallon)
Complete surface preparation and Flash Rust removal
Comparison between Traditional process and Picklex® 20 Process:
Traditional Process:
Picklex® 20 Process: No Blasting/Sanding/Grinding needed:
Present Process:
Liquid Painting
Picklex® 20 Process:
Picklex® 20 spray/Brush
Blow off the excess product
Air Dry
Liquid Paint

For more information, email us at [email protected] or call 256-650-0088.